Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stew Love 4ever

The cold, grey, wet weather has our dutch oven working overtime this season. Nothing says comfort and warmth like a hearty slow-cooked stew, and the one we had for dinner last night must be the mother of them all. I took one bite and the heavens cracked open and a chorus of angels sang "Alleluia!" Okay, maybe I'm the only one who heard the music, but don't call me crazy until you've tried it. I swear, the pot had a glowing halo around it...

My life-long search for Stew Love has come to an end with this recipe from Sunset Magazine, reprinted here on the left (it's so good, they put it on the cover!). When you make three squares for six people every day, the cooking romance can kinda fizzle out. But this dish, Smoky Beef Stew with Bleu Cheese, restores my faith. Never mind that it takes four hours to make and that everyone wolfed it down in fifteen minutes and mostly forgot to say thank you; certain labors are their own reward. Sigh.

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