Friday, April 4, 2008

Pay It Forward

Today is Pay It Forward Day, and wonderful excuse to do something nice for someone for no reason at all. The idea is that you do a good deed for a few people, and that sparks them to do a good deed for a few other people, ad infinitum. If you haven't seen the movie that started it all, it is worth the watch...

I was reminded of this concept a couple of weeks ago when my old high school friend Leslie Brasher put out a call to pay it forward in a creative way, by making something special for someone who promises to do the same for three more people in turn.

Just day before yesterday, I went to Cafe Z to grab a quick bite for lunch while I was out running errands. I ordered a salad and then realized I didn't have my wallet in my purse. The man behind the counter didn't hesitate to say, "No problem, your credit is good here." He must have seen a look of shock on my face, because he felt compelled to assure me that there are so many regulars, it all works out in the end. Not only did I make sure to pay him, but he has free advertising for life from me (not to mention that all their food is incredibly good!). A small act of kindness and generosity goes a long, long way.

Wynham gave me a hug before he left for school the other day, something that doesn't often happen in the morning mayhem of getting everyone out the door, but it left me with a serious case of the warm fuzzies all day, and I can't wait to pass along the good feelings, so watch out. Something nice just might happen to you today; be sure to Pay It Forward!

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