Monday, July 27, 2009

Black Hawk Down?

Yup, this photo pretty much covers what I remember as the important aspects of the town where I grew up: love of God and Country. This Black Hawk made a "controlled" landing a couple of blocks from my Grandfather's place this afternoon, after an emergency light went off when it shouldn't have; no harm done, but it did give people something to talk about.


  1. Wow. Which church is that? My folks must not have heard about that happening because they didn't pass it along. :)

    I'm glad you had a good trip! Wish I'd been able to see you while you were in Alabama.

  2. Wait a minute. I think I remember Dad saying something about *something* happening in the field next to the Whitesburg Baptist other campus. I must have been multitasking and missed what it was!
