Monday, August 17, 2009

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

My grandparents met in March of 1942 and were married five months later, 67 years ago today. I don't know if it's possible to describe what it was like for me, as a child, to hover in the bright aura of their love for each other. What I can tell you, even though Gigi is among the angels now, is that the glow of that devotion is as bright as ever.

I've heard so many tales of their romance through the years that I can see all the details in my mind as clearly as if I'd been there myself. They never tired of describing their courtship, usually finishing each other's sentences while they held hands. And now my Grandfather regales me with stories I've never heard before, such as the night he first kissed Gigi under the light of a full moon.

Happy Anniversary, Gigi and Grandfather. I think it's no exaggeration to say that yours is one of the greatest love stories ever told; it's certainly my favorite. You said it best with the words to that old song: "I'll be loving you, always. With a heart that's true, always. Not just for an hour, not just for a day, not just for a year, but always, always..."


  1. At least according to this photo, you & Gigi bear quite a resemblance! Nice to find positive echoes with family-member's lives.

  2. yes, a very strong resemblance; and i love the love story. great stuff. btw--i finally got around to reading lisey's story. talk about a love story. FABULOUS book!

  3. even the position of your head in the 'mom' pic beside this one is similar. . .
