Thursday, November 1, 2007

They Go Together

Anyone who was acquainted with my mother and her dog Socrates knows that they were inseparable. Wherever Marmay went, Socrates went too. So it stands to reason that he’d follow on her heavenly voyage as well, and he took off yesterday in his own noble way.

A sweeter, gentler, more loving and less imposing creature, there never was. We’ve known Socrates (Socco, for short) since he was a puppy and Chloé was not quite one year old, but when he came to live with us ten months ago, he stole our hearts completely. We were pushovers from the moment his white-socked paws crossed our threshold.

He gave us so much joy, and I hope we gave him a measure of the same. He had a special bond with Claire, and James, and Chloé and Wynham, too. It’s not an exaggeration to say we’re feeling quite heartbroken today.

It seems fitting to say goodbye on All Saints Day, because he was truly a saintly little fellow; never barking, always happy to see you, doing a frisky jig to demonstrate his excitement. I can smile when I envision him on the ultimate joyride in Mom’s purple car, eagerly looking out the window and wagging his tail for all it’s worth. We miss you already, Socco, and we know it will be a wonderful journey.


  1. I'll love you for ever,
    I'll love you for always,
    As long as I love you,
    my baby you'll be...


  2. They are truly another child to us...I'll have Bullseye look out for him. He loves a good buddy to share a treat.
