Saturday, March 14, 2009

Unique Horns

Question: How do you catch a unicorn? Answer: You 'neak up on him! My Grandfather would love that joke. Wait; maybe he's the one who told me that joke...

Anyway, I'm sure I've mentioned before that James is the fun parent. Who else in the family would make unicorn horns out of plotter paper and scotch tape them to the children's hair? Not me. I'm the one who gets to try and remove the scotch tape from their hair.

But the kids had a blast galloping around the house, engaging in horn-to-horn combat and other sorts of horseplay. Maybe when he retires from his mad scientist gig, James can teach a course in MacGyver Parenting. I'm sure it would be a sellout.

1 comment:

  1. oooooo....mcguyver.....can i take that class....he's dreamy!
