Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fly Away Home

How lovely that this little ladybug landed on the "L" and refused to leave! We have a group (known in some circles as a "loveliness") of ladybugs that congregates around our side porch door every winter. That ladybugs hang out on the south side of trees and other large protrusions in the wintertime is apparently common knowledge, but I just learned about this phenomenon today. Sometimes these cuties make their way inside the house, to the kids' great delight.

Several of us tried to coax the critter off the keyboard, but it wasn't until Jack stuck out his tender little finger that the bug obliged. He crawled all the way up Jack's arm and then flew away. "He's gone to find his family," Jack pronounced, "I hope he comes back." You know, I feel sure he will.

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