Friday, January 9, 2009

The Year of Living Simply

On, off, on, off: if only everything in life could be so straightforward! Instead of making specific resolutions for the new year, I made a conscious decision to try and live more simply. If that's a broad and far-reaching concept, the steps towards achieving the goal are small: consume less (go to the library instead of buying books we don't have room for anyway), jettison more (James, I'm talking to you, too), don't create extra work (there's enough of that already), look far enough ahead to stay organized, but not so far that I can't enjoy the moment... Simplify, simplify, simplify! What works for you? I'd love to know.


  1. Jettison, jettison, jettison. And keep those words in mind when I am thinking of consuming. Your sentiments are mine exactly. Of course! :-)

  2. I think you and Oprah are right! It's the year to live simply. I love the fact that I have a whole year to figure this out.
