Wednesday, July 23, 2008

La Meute (The Pack)

It's Saturday night, my last night in Paris, and my trip abroad is going out with a bang. It's a miracle, really, to reunite all the members of the original "Pack," the group of friends that often dined and vacationed together back when I lived in Paris. Everyone who wasn't married then is married now, and that makes for a lot of kids, too.

We eat pizza (the thin-crusted French kind that often has a egg on it, yum), drink wine, and catch up on the last eight years, which is how long it's been since I last saw these friends. And as it turns out, the last time they all saw each other, all together. You can show me all the masterpieces and wonders of the world, but nothing beats the moments spent with friends. It doesn't get better than this, and I savor every second...

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