Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Cookie Chronicles, Vol. I

The cookie creating/baking/decorating thing is definitely the new obsession around here; Jack and I were at it again yesterday and there's another batch planned for today. This situation is as rich in irony as the dough is in butter, since I'm generally known to be anti-sugar, especially the white stuff. But as soon as you can find a way to incorporate 73% cacao chocolate, most sins are forgiven.

My crash course in all things cookie is self taught, and the latest lesson was about the proper way to melt and temper chocolate (for use in piping designs). I feel like I'm back in Chemistry 101. I tried two more batches of Royal Icing that both went royally wrong: the first one expanded to twice the size of the bowl, and the second one separated almost instantly when I applied it. Mixing the colors presents its own challenges, and there's a lot of try, try, again going on. But in this case, all the mistakes are obligingly eaten, so there's no waste.

I've had to give up my metalsmithing class for now, so this is the perfect creative outlet, and something that the whole family can participate in. Last night, Coco was discussing designs with her friends on the phone. And I can't wait to see what Wynham comes up with once he starts decorating. Interestingly enough, many of the tools and techniques of my jewelry making can be applied to this edible art (see heart inlay above). But the best part of all? Everyone loves a cookie. Cookies make people happy, and that's what it's all about...

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm...mmmmm....can't wait to come to your house and get a cookie making lesson (and tasting....!)
