Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In One Ear...

Go ahead, ask me how I just spent my afternoon. I'll tell you. I had to rush Jack to the pediatrician's office for an emergency extraction of the tiny bead he had lodged way, way, way down in his ear. This was definitely not what I had planned, but then it usually never is. The pediatrician said I should consider myself lucky; he'd recently extracted an orange pip from a girl's nose that had been there so long it had actually sprouted.

Witness accounts differ as to how the bead originally arrived in Jack's ear, but at the very same moment I said to Claire, "Whatever you do, don't put your finger in his ear!" she could be seen applying a sturdy jab with her index digit. That pretty much sealed it, and what small hopes I had for removing the bead myself were firmly buried in a bed of earwax.

What is it with siblings always experimenting on each other this way? A dozen years ago, it was Chloé sticking a TicTac up Wynham's nose for fun. Fortunately for him, the mint tickled his nose and he was able to sneeze it out. A couple of years before that, she stuck a kernel of corn up her own nose, which had to be removed with a pair of tweezers.

Now that I think of it, this all reminds me of the time James asked me to hold a telephone wire in my mouth while he worked on it. "Won't that shock me?" I asked. "Only if the phone rings," he replied. Well, as the old adage says, "No injury can be complained of by a consenting party..."

1 comment:

  1. Along the same lines, my mother had to have a rose petal extracted from her nose when she was a child. She said it smelled so good that she wanted to smell it forever so she folded it up as small as she could and shoved it up there...FYI it didn't work!
