Sunday, May 17, 2009

Salad Days

The weather's been so swelteringly hot the last couple of days, I decided to forgo a hot meal for tonight's dinner in favor of several composed salads, topped off with some juicy watermelon slices for dessert. Chloé and Wynham have been on me to make a corn/tuna salad that they love to eat when they're in France over the summer, so we had a plateful of that, along with potatoes and olives, asparagus with prosciutto and shaved Parmesan, caprese, and an amazing chicken salad I call Tuscan Chicken.

A change in the weather breaks us out of our usual routine; dining alfresco, sipping rosé, enjoying the sun's warmth. The kids were so excited about our dinner plans that they jumped into the act, peeling potatoes. Watching them work reminded me of one of my mother's favorite sayings, from On Golden Pond: "What's the point of having dwarfs if they don't do chores?" She'd be so proud. Just don't tell them it's work; it would spoil all their fun.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for this recipe...! I hadn't made it since last summer, and was craving it yesterday and in a panic when I couldn't readily locate the recipe! Luckily I found my way back to it...! Yum!!!
